Blog Post: Using podcasts as a research tool

Howdy, typically I reach out on Thursdays…but I couldn’t wait on this one.

We got a lot of love and feedback on last week’s second stakeholder update and an 80% open-rate. That’s the highest I’ve ever seen on one of my newsletters. Thanks a ton for being involved!

I just published a deep-dive guide on how startups can use podcasting as a tool to research their target customer, versus as a tool for growth. The strategy is proving to work for the companies that we’ve been working with, as we’re learning a TON on how they should build their marketing engines when it’s time to invest serious capital into growth.

If you’re interested in checking it out, go here.

It’s meaty, so here’s a quick outline:

  1. Nailing the strategy to resonate with your audience

  2. Finding the right guests to provide valuable insights

  3. Focusing on quality in production

  4. Repurposing content for maximum reach

  5. Encouraging audience participation and feedback

Hopefully this guide is helpful to you or a founder in your network! Feel free to forward it along to someone who you think should check it out.

As always, let me know if you have any ideas or areas for improvement or ideas for future guides that I can whip up. I’m planning to start publishing these weekly or monthly.

Talk soon!

